Tuesday, January 24, 2017


There comes a time in most people's lives when their lives change completely with the arrival of one person. A time when all their thoughts begin to center around this person. They begin to experience a hitherto unknown ecstasy with the mere presence of that person in their lives. Twenty-four hours of the day, whether they are awake and conscious or sleeping and dreaming, they only worry about that one person. Just looking at the person smile, all their worries seem to vanish in a trice. They become aware of a deep emotion which they realize is none other than Love.

I too have experienced it in my life - not once but twice - when my two sons came into my life and gave me the best identity of all - that of a mother.

Yes, a mother's love is peppered with responsibility, duty, affection, frustration, anger, expectations and disappointments, but I can never imagine living my life without it.

This one's for my sons.

Day 24 of Blogathon 2017