Thursday, January 3, 2013

Trivial Musings

Why do some movies which seem blah in the theatres appear great when watched again on dvd or telly?
Why did God create lizards? Even if He did for some very good reason, why do they have to hang around inside homes?
Why does a vacation last a longer time during the anticipation, planning and excitement stage than it actually is during real time?
Why is the feature that we hate the most about ourselves the one that is most noticed by others?
What is the ultimate test of patience?....going through the IRCTC website, especially when booking a tatkal ticket
Most common reply heard from men (husbands) when asked about anything, right from 'should I go to my mom's house next week?' to 'what to get for your cousin's wedding?' - "Let's see". I am really not sure what they are waiting to see!
Isn't it ironic how we miss the old days but given a chance, really wouldn't like going back to that time and place? Or, maybe it is just my opinion.
Meaning of stupendous relief : When the power goes off in the middle of a summer night and one is in that half-awake,half-asleep state, when the mosquitoes have a field day(or night) singing in our ears and we curse the electricity department, the sound of the fan blades slowly coming to life is simply the moment of 'stupendous relief'.
Alternately, when one is finally inside the loo, when one is urgently in the need to be there...stupendous is the relief!
The most adorable thing is when a toddler's eyes finally droop and he/she falls asleep, especially when it is out of sheer tiredness and requires no other effort from mom or dad. (Mom of a 3-yr-old speaking!)
When you have a baby, the speed at which you can fall asleep is always inversely proportional to the speed at which baby is ready to sleep. Simply put, you want to sleep but can not. Your baby has to sleep but will not!
And, finally the biggest irony in my life presently - how mothers like me who so want a girl are blessed with boys, while scores of girl children are either killed before they are born, abandoned if they are lucky enough to be born or treated to such discrimination that makes the blood boil!! God surely has a strange sense of humour.


  1. Super happy to see you after the hiatus!

    This post is like a patchwork quilt - random observations casually thrown in together to make up a sparkling post!

  2. LOL Shashi! Two people I know will connect to two of your thoughts, Divya has the same ideas about lizards and my sister too wanted girls.

    Keep going.....

  3. A very amusing blog Shashi abbuchi!

  4. Thank you so much, Krishna! :)
