Monday, August 1, 2016

                                     What Lies Beneath

The simmering tensions behind a smiling facade

In pitch dark the pitter-patter of a kid's heart 

The supercilious smirks mocking the ignorant 

Exasperation over the smugness of the arrogant 

Judgemental verdicts given on hearsay

The trepidation of what may come the next day

The pain hidden in the kohl lined eyes

The ridicule of the victim in the bully's cries

Being the last one to get the memo

Or being the Dory in the world of Nemo 

What you don't know can encompass so many things

The world is too huge for you to know everything

But take time to get to know what's beneath the surface

Sometimes knowing what another is going through can make this a better place

This post has been written for Day 2 of the #BarAThon Challenge. Today's prompt - What you don't know

1 comment:

  1. Poignant and full of empathy, the post anchors personal pain in the vastness and universality of human tragedy. Loved your poem, Shashi! Keep writing.
