Thursday, January 19, 2017

Intro to Introverts

You know you are an introvert when -

In school you are reluctant to raise your hand even when you know the answer

When you are younger, you beat it to your room as soon as guests come to your house

You smile courteously, talk in monosyllabes and nod your head when forced to interact with said guests

You can count the number of close friends you have on one hand

You will find every excuse to skip a party, get-together or function, especially when invited by acquaintances

If all excuses fail, you will make it a point to reach the venue of a function early so that you are spared the horror of making a late entry and finding all eyes on you

You immediately seek your pals or cronies or buddies in a party and stay miles away from the stage

You will spend the best part of a party avoiding others and can only manage a weak smile when some acquaintance or relative spies you lurking in the back rows

You get mortified when everyone in a  party breaks into a dance and expects you to join them

You learn unique ways of escaping situations where you are expected to lead

You are ready to work in the background rather than being in the limelight

You get acutely embarrassed even by the slightest gaffe or faux pas you make

You can write better than you can speak

You can never talk nineteen to the dozen with anyone, except maybe your closest friends or family

You are a confident person but are just not interested in showing it to everyone

You love reading books because there can be no better sign that you are not interested in having a conversation

You love your 'me' time and solitude is one of your greatest companions

You learn to behave like a mild extrovert as you grow up and

You smile when people don't believe when you say that you are an introvert

Day 19 of Blogathon 2017

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